Press Release

Best Hotels of Moldova - the first catalogue of hotels from both banks of the Nistru River was launched

19 April 2017

  • The Best Hotels of Moldova catalogue, which includes information about the hotels from the right and left bank of the Nistru River, was launched during the first Forum of Hoteliers from both banks, held in Chisinau. The event was also an opportunity to review the results obtained during one year by two organizations from the right and left bank of the Nistru River, which established a partnership for the development of the hotelier industry. The cooperation was carried out within the framework of the European Union funded Support to Confidence Building Measures Programme, implemented by the UNDP.

The catalogue, available in printed and electronic format, was developed by the National Association of Hotels and Restaurants in the Republic of Moldova and the Regional Development Agency from the left bank of the Nistru river, that established a cooperation partnership in 2016.

This EU investment supports the business of hoteliers from both banks of the Nistru river and with the exchange we support, the confidence between people and communities will be increased and better services for all citizens will be delivered, affirms Marco Gemmer, Deputy Head of Operations Section at EU Delegation.

We are convinced that people from both banks benefit from cooperating with each other. We are looking forward to provide more opportunities to make this possible, mentioned Stefan Liller, UNDP Moldova Deputy Resident Representative.

The publication Best Hotels of Moldova will be distributed during specialized exhibitions, at the embassies of the Republic of Moldova, diplomatic missions in Chisinau, travel agencies, hotels and other locations.

This is the first informational material of this kind, made for the promotion of the hotels. The catalogue will be used in particular at international exhibitions, where consolidated information on the hotel market is searched, especially for partnerships establishment, says Ecaterina Rusu, project coordinator at the National Association of Hotels and Restaurants in the Republic of Moldova.

During one year, through cooperation and with the financial support of the European Union, the organizations carried out trainings for hotel staff, study visits abroad, and launched an Information Center in Tiraspol for tourists who want to visit the left bank of the Nistru River, and where tourist attractions from the right bank are promoted too.

Thanks to the joint effort, we managed to get fantastic results for the development of hotel and tourism industries. Over 100 tourists were consulted at the Tourism Informational Center in Tiraspol in one month after it has been launched. Moreover, the Center contributes to overcoming the existing stereotypes about the left bank of the Nistru River - an important step towards strengthening confidence, said Tatiana Iascova, head of the Tiraspol Regional Development Agency.

Thanks to the trainings I attended, we began to use more efficient tools to promote our hotel on specialized networks and to develop our business. We received knowledge that would be difficult to obtain in other circumstances, said Victoria Lisenco, the head of the CityClub hotel based in Tiraspol. In total, representatives of 57 hotels from the right and left banks of the Nistru River participated in the trainings and study tours.

At the Forum were also organised seminars moderated by international experts, among them from the Marriott international hotels network.

The SCBM Programme aims to increase trust between the people from both banks of the Nistru River by involving local authorities, civil society organisations, and business community representatives in joint activities in two core areas: business development and improving community infrastructure. The Programme has a total budget of 10 million Euro, provided by the European Union, and is implemented by the UNDP. 

UN entities involved in this initiative

United Nations Development Programme

Goals we are supporting through this initiative