Press Release

The security of storage facility of the national army of the Republic of Moldova was strengthened with EU support

17 December 2016

  • The handover ceremony of security upgrades performed through the support of the European Union to the storage facility of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Moldova took place on 21 December 2016 at the Bulboaca storage site.

The Deputy Chief J4 Logistics Directorate, Chief of arms, ammunition and military equipment Department of the Ministry of Defence, Lieutenant Colonel Andrei Camerzan, the Project Manager of the EU Delegation to the Republic of Moldova, Jarek Domanski and UNDP Assistant Resident Representative – Programme, Doina Munteanu, unveiled the completed works.

The European Union provided EUR 93,000 worth of works and security equipment for the Bulboaca site as part of the EU Support of SEESAC Disarmament and Arms Control Activities in South East Europe (EUSAC) Project.

Implemented in accordance with the international standards, the upgrades included securing the whole storage location perimeter with metal fence with barbed wired top, CCTV installation and CCTV control room refurbishment and equipping.

The upgrades of Bulboaca storage serve to enhance the security of SALW and ammunition, leading to more efficient management of stockpiles and contributing to a holistic approach to SALW control. Effective management reduces the risk of loss of stocks, and consequently the illicit proliferation of SALW.


With European Union funds, SEESAC has been implementing of a series of region-wide activities in the period 2014 – 2016 through the EU COUNCIL DECISION 2013/730/CFSP. The upgrade of storages is part of Component 1 of the resulting EUSAC Project (EU Support of SEESAC Disarmament and Arms Control Activities in South East Europe) which is an integral part of the SEESAC SALW Control portfolio.

The European Union has been supporting SEESAC since 2002, through Council Decision 2002/842/CFSP, extended and amended by Council Decisions 2003/807/CFSP,  2004/791/CFSP and 2010/179/CFSP.

Designed in close cooperation with national authorities, the EUSAC project has been working on the following five interrelated streams of activities:

  • Increased security of stockpiles: through the renovation and security improvements to storages of arms and ammunition.
  • Stockpile reduction: through the destruction of surplus arms and ammunition held in storages.
  • Improved marking, tracing and registration of SALW: through the provision of support to the establishment or enhancement of existing weapons registration and record-keeping systems.
  • Improved regional cooperation on awareness raising, information sharing and knowledge transfer: through the facilitation of regional cooperation between national institutions tasked with arms control.
  • Implementation of collection and awareness raising campaigns.

UN entities involved in this initiative

United Nations Development Programme

Goals we are supporting through this initiative