Online training for National Employment Agency caseworkers
19 October 2020
On October 16-19, the caseworkers of the National Employment Agency (NEA) and representatives of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection participate in a training workshop. The online workshop will tackle implementing two active labour market measures (ALMMs) - local initiatives and self employment projects. The training organizer is the International Labour Organization (ILO) project "Effective COVID-19 response in Moldova: Social dialogue for local job creation through Local Employment Partnerships”.
The new Law on employment promotion and unemployment insurance allows for these two active labour market measures. Participants will learn about the conditions of granting subsidies and methods of monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of these measures. The training course is moderated by Valli Corbanese, ILO international consultant, who will also review the NEA unemployed registration form.
"Within the training workshop, the NEA employees will also be trained on the registration of unemployed on the basis of the new form, which has been revised to meet the new needs arising from the pandemic crisis. Furthermore, because of COVID - 19, we have more and more unemployed from categories that earlier have not been shown by the NEA. In order to be able to offer them targeted assistance and provide them with the proper training or employment opportunities, we need to better identify the profile of unemployed and detect more details about their status before the registration process. If that happens, we will be able to respond more efficiently to the needs of unemployed and match them with jobs", explains Raisa Dogaru, the NEA Director.
Active labour market measures can assist the unemployed and employers in finding and creating new jobs and are granted with the purpose to increase the employment opportunities. Therefore, one of the ALMMs discussed during the online seminar provides for advice, assistance and support in starting a new business and is granted, upon request, to unemployed people initiating an entrepreneurial activity through which they create jobs for themselves.
The second ALMM discussed provides that in order to stimulate the creation of new jobs and reduce the unemployment in rural areas, the state grants subsidies to support the local initiatives projects generating new jobs. The subsidies are awarded to enterprises that create new jobs, employ unemployed people registered by territorial employment subdivisions in rural communities.