Education and COVID-19 in the Republic of Moldova
Although caught by rather surprise and relatively unprepared for the overnight transformation of the education system, the country’s leaders, aided by external partners on the ground, moved quickly to address the challenge. The MECR undertook many activities to ensure that learning continued under the new conditions. MECR, supported by national and international partners, developed a COVID-19 preparedness and response plan, as well as methodologies and regulations for remote education. MECR also launched teachers’ training on remote education, positive parenting and video and TV tutorials for the preparation for the national examinations.
One particularly relevant process that will guide the way forward is the elaboration of the 2021-2030 Education Sector Strategy and mid-term Action Plan (2021-2025), which has just been initiated by MECR with support by the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) and the UN. These important exercises will be based on the findings and recommendations from the Education Sector Analysis completed in 2019 and linked to the National Development Strategy “Moldova 2030”, SDG nationalized agenda and the EU Association Agreement. The Strategy will set out a long-term vision for the development of the education sector, covering early childhood education, primary, secondary, higher and vocational education, and including also non-formal education, as well as adult literacy and life-long learning. The Strategy will also build on the lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic, and it will devote attention to the aspects of remote learning, preparedness, the capacity of the system and the actors in it, including learners, teachers, parents and all stakeholders.