Press Release

WASH supplies and detection equipment donated to the General Inspectorate of Border Police by IOM Mission to Moldova.

14 August 2020

Alarming COVID-19 statistics in the Republic of Moldova has led the International Organization for Migration (IOM) along with two other UN agencies to come forward with a new project. A six months initiative, part of the UN Multi-Partner Trust Fund, has deployed in May, whereby, three UN agencies (IOM, UN Women, and UNICEF) are addressing the urgent needs of health institutions, frontline border police staff, and different vulnerable and marginalized groups most affected by the pandemic.

Photo: © IOM Moldova

Within the project, IOM has assessed the needs and gaps of country’s Points of Entry (PoE) infrastructure.  As a result of the evaluation there has been procured nearly 2000 litres of sanitizers, 8 thermoscanners, 12 UVC Germicidal lamps, 5 nebulizers, 7 back-pack sprayers, 10 bio trash bins and other WASH Supplies that were handed over to the General Inspectorate of Border Police during an event organized on August 7.The equipment and supplies donated will consolidate the capacities of the frontline border police officers to better manage the spread of the virus at the same time being protected. The total value of the donation is 30,000USD.

Corneliu Groza, Head of the General Inspectorate of the Border Police, mentioned the considerable support provided to the Border Police in combating the cross-border spread of the new virus: "I assure you that this support will improve the quality of services at the state border, which strengthens the confidence of citizens who cross the state border of the Republic of Moldova during the pandemic," concluded Corneliu Groza.

Aiming at ensuring a better infection control and management of COVID-19 at ten Points of Entry (PoEs) in the country with the highest traffic,  IOM supported the update  of the PoEs-specific Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for detection, notification, isolation, management and referral of travelers ill with COVID-19 infection, in full compliance with international human rights law and other relevant standards and practices. There have been printed and disseminated 500 copies in three languages: Romanian, Russian and English. Furthermore, IOM contributed to the development and implementation of a training curricula and already delivered  four online trainings to front-line border police staff.

Ghenadie Cretu, project manager IOM:  "Thank you for the efficient and lasting partnership. The task of integrated border management is one of the most important attributes of a sovereign state, and the Border Police team deserves appreciation for receptivity and professionalism."

The UN COVID-19 Response and Recovery Multi-Partner Trust Fund supports development, effectiveness and UN coherence through the efficient, accountable and transparent design and administration of innovative pooled financing instruments. The fund that is currently supported by the Governments of Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Switzerland offered UN Moldova one million dollars, to strengthen the national response of the country to the COVID-19 crisis, out of which IOM Mission to Moldova implements the financial support of USD 120,000.

UN entities involved in this initiative

International Organization for Migration

Goals we are supporting through this initiative