In order to identify the issues encountered in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Republic of Moldova by children and families with children monitored by SWTS, as well as bypublic sector employees in the field of children’s right protection, CCF/HHC Moldova and UNICEF Moldova conducted a rapid assessment, on the basis of an online questionnaire (Annex 1), across Social Work Territorial Structures (SWTS). Information was gathered during 27 April – 6 May 2020, with 36 out of 37 SWTSs having answered the questionnaire. Later, additional clarifications and information were sought regarding the access of children and families with children
to social services and benefits (Annex 2). The questionnaire was self-administered and in most cases it was filled in by the head of SWTS and, upon need, by other SWTS professionals.
In the Findings and Conclusions section this paper summarizes opinions of SWTS professionals about several major research topics and includes ‘Priorities and Recommendations’ Section for the duration of the pandemic, as well as for the post-pandemic time, being addressed to various categories of decision-makers, practitioners, civil society and development partners.