Press Release

Digital Module for Monitoring and Evaluation of Employment Programs Launched

01 June 2020

From now on, decision-makers will be able to monitor more easily, evaluate more efficiently, and develop new interventions aimed at stimulating employment. The National Employment Agency (NEA), with support of the International Labour Organization (ILO) developed a digital module for collecting, systematizing and reporting data on employment programme implementation.

Using this digital module, NEA specialists and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection will be able to assess employment programmes more easily. The module allows detecting the mismatch between planned and achieved results and evaluating the intervention performance in a short time.

According to Raisa Dogaru, Director of NEA, territorial subdivisions staff, so far have not had a digital tool for collecting data on the implementation of employment measures, which would then allow them to make an assessment of the employment programme benefits.

"The implementation of active labour market measures, in accordance with the new employment law, requires a detailed cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness analysis of employment measures for evidence-based decisions. The digital module will facilitate disaggregated data collection at local level and will provide evidence to decision-makers on programme performance. These data will help to improve the employment programmes greatly”, said Raisa Dogaru.

The module includes over 20 tables.  Based on these, analytical, quarterly and annual reports can be prepared and submitted to relevant institutions for informed decision-making.

The digital module was created with ILO’s financial and methodological support, under the Promotion of Youth Employment Project.  Violeta Vrabie, Project Coordinator explained this activity was part of a broader programme of actions supported by ILO in the Republic of Moldova to strengthen the capacity of labour market institutions to generate more decent jobs for the country's population, especially for vulnerable youth.

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Violeta Vrabie

Communication Focal Point

UN entities involved in this initiative

International Labour Organization

Goals we are supporting through this initiative