Press Release

One million dollars to strengthen Moldova’s national response to the COVID-19 crisis

21 May 2020

Three United Nations (UN) agencies from Moldova UNICEF, UN Women and IOM will receive one million dollars from the UN COVID-19 Response and Recovery Multi-Partner Trust Fund to support Moldova in its fight against COVID-19 pandemic and strengthen country’s capacity to respond to the crisis.

During only six months, the implementing UN agencies will aim at ensuring effective and accessible health services for COVID-19 patients in Moldova, with a focus on vulnerable and disadvantaged persons.

The envisaged activities foresee purchase of personal protective equipment (PPEs) for health and non-health institutions, such as hospitals, police, border police, penitentiaries, social assistance centers and others to ensure efficient and safe provision of public services during the COVID-19 crisis.

Additionally, though most vulnerable, including women affected by violence, women living in shelters, HIV and AIDS positive women, disabled women, and the Roma women will be provided with immediate and preventive supplies necessary in the context of the pandemic that includes sanitizers, sanitary supplies, food packages (for at least two months), soap, and other. More than five shelters for victims of GBV and five CSOs will be assisted. 

The global epidemic of COVID-19 poses a clear risk to the health and wellbeing of the Republic of Moldova. Within this project the control and management of the infection at the border control points of the country will be strengthened by up-dating and disseminating of international standards-compliant operating procedures for detection, notification, isolation, management and referral of travelers potentially infected with coronavirus, delivering necessary trainings for the border police officers, providing necessary supplies to screen the incoming citizens to prevent the spread of the disease.

The United Nations in Moldova has been supporting the Government of Moldova and Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection as well as other institutions from non-health areas involved in the response in three main areas: health system preparedness, technical support and capacity building and risk information and communication on COVID-19 under the guidance of WHO Moldova.

The UN COVID-19 Response and Recovery Multi-Partner Trust Fund supports development, effectiveness and UN coherence through the efficient, accountable and transparent design and administration of innovative pooled financing instruments. The fund is currently supported by the Governments of Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.

For more information on the UN COVID-19 Response and Recovery Multi-Partner Trust Fund please visit their website

UN entities involved in this initiative

International Organization for Migration
UN Women
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women
United Nations Children’s Fund

Goals we are supporting through this initiative