Press Release

30 communities from the Republic of Moldova will increase their resilience to climate change

10 March 2020

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Sweden have launched on 10 March 2020 a project which will contribute to sustainable development and increased resilience to climate change in 30 localities from the Republic of Moldova. The project has a budget of 2.28 million USD and will be implemented during 2020-2023. 

Photo: © UNDP Moldova

30 target communities from Nisporeni, Calarasi, Basarabeasca, Leova, Gagauzia and Transnistria regions will be assisted in identifying, formulating, planning, and implementing  initiatives contributing to reduced environmental degradation and increased resilience to climate change among women groups who are identified as the most vulnerable to climate change and who have limited knowledge about environmentally-friendly income-generation activities. 

In addition, the project will provide financial, technical and capacity development support to women from target-localities, who manage their households and run agricultural enterprises to implement environment-friendly practices in agriculture, forestry, livestock or other related activities. This would contribute to their households’ food security and would generate incomes regardless of extreme weather events. So, the project will directly enhance the adaptation capacities and will reduce the vulnerability of over 60 households and, at least, 10 enterprises led by women. 

The project aims to develop capacities of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) from these localities and from other regions of the country in the area of climate change resilience, disaster risks management and gender mainstreaming in the context of local sustainable development. So, these NGOs will become a source of information and expertise for local public authorities and women from target communities during implementation of the projects’ activities. 

Case studies and relevant knowledge about climate change adaptation solutions and sustainable and resilient alternative livelihoods shall be developed. The experience and information collected will be shared through various communication means and existing networks to enable replication of good practices at the national level.

Laura Bohantova-avatar

Laura Bohantova

Communications Analyst, UNDP Country Office

UN entities involved in this initiative

United Nations Development Programme

Goals we are supporting through this initiative