Forest Landscape Restoration in the Republic of Moldova. Feasibility study on the production of forest reproductive material

At the end of 2021, the Presidency of the Republic of Moldova formally announced the National Afforestation and Reforestation Programme (NARP) for 2023 – 2032.
The critical elements determining the feasibility and success of NARP are, the willingness to change the land use from agriculture to forest plantations and, the capacity to produce large quantities of forest reproductive material (FRM) for the envisaged afforestation projects.
To address these critical elements, in 2021, the Republic of Moldova approached the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) for support to draft a study aimed to assess the sector of forest reproductive material in the Republic of Moldova. In response to this request, the UNECE drafted a feasibility study on the production of FRM in the Republic of Moldova. The objective of the latter was the assessment of the current production capacity of FRM and perspectives for its development within the context of the national plans for afforestation and forest landscape restoration.
The study was carried out in 2022-2023. The preparatory phase in 2022 included a detailed analysis of the legal acts, strategies and programmes, technical data and existing statistics, as well as consultations with the decision makers and experts from the sector.