LEGATHON: Hack Corruption. Law to the People: 30 young persons will create a tool to help reporting corruption-generating laws
08 November 2019
30 young men and women, participants of “LEGATHON: Hack Corruption. Law to the People”, will develop an interface of an application to flag up laws which generate or may generate corruption cases. The tool will be used for the National Anticorruption Centre’s (NAC) platform.

When launched, it will allow citizens, as well as private sector or civil society representatives to flag up the laws or normative acts containing ambiguous and interpretable provisions that may generate corruption. The respective legal documents will be then revised by the NAC to identify the corruption risks and suggest modifications.
The hackathon takes place during 8-10 November in Chisinau and is organized by UNDP in cooperation with the National Anticorruption Center, with the support of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Lidia Chireoglo, Deputy Director of the National Anticorruption Center noted that the young generation is the most involved partner in corruption prevention process. “You are the ones who can generate innovative ideas, meant to help the society. I am sure that during these days you will succeed to provide a qualitative product that we will apply in our activity and which will help us to be better in what we do”.
Andrea Cuzyova, Deputy Resident Representative at UNDP Moldova, mentioned: “Through this event we aim to engage young men and women in developing an innovative corruption prevention solution offering them in this way an opportunity to participate in decision-making”.
During the three-day event, the young persons will be guided by IT specialists and anticorruption experts and will work in six teams of five persons each to generate innovative solutions. The developed products will be presented by the teams on 10 November and an independent jury will select the best ones. Three winning teams will obtain awards. At the same time, the best proposed interface will be used for the National Anticorruption Center’s platform.
More details follow on the event’s Facebook page.
LEGATHON: Hack Corruption. Law to the People is organized under the “Curbing Corruption by Building Sustainable Integrity in the Republic of Moldova” Project, implemented by UNDP in partnership with the National Anticorruption Center and People’s Advocate Office, with the financial support of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The project is implemented during 2019-2021 and contributes to enhancing the capacities of stakeholders from public and private sector, as well as of the civil society organizations to efficiently implement tools and standards for preventing corruption.