United Nations Human Rights Awards competition at its 15th edition
24 October 2019
- This year the United Nations in Moldova launches the 15th edition of the annual competition for Human Rights Awards to recognize the most valuable actions in promoting and protecting the human rights in the Republic of Moldova.
The competition aims at highlighting and awarding the most creative, innovative, efficient, appropriate and participatory initiatives and actions to advocate and protect the human rights.
The 2019 edition of the UN Human Rights Awards include six awards as follows:
- General Award for an Outstanding Human Rights Achievement in 2019;
- Award for an Outstanding Human Rights Achievement at the Local Level in 2019;
- Award for an Outstanding Individual Human Rights Activism in 2019;
- Award for an Outstanding Integration of Human Rights and Equality into Internal Structure and Operation of the Organization in 2019;
- Special Award for groups/organizations of children and youth for outstanding achievements in promotion human rights in 2019;
- Award for youth groups/organizations or individuals for promoting the sexual and reproductive rights and health in 2019.
The nominations for any of the above awards can be made online: www.un.md/nominalizare. The registered candidates can be either physical persons or entities for the activities performed during the period September 2018 - September 2019. Third parties can be nominated, or it can be as well a self-nomination. The template for nomination can be filled in online or sent by email or post offices in the attention of the UN House in Moldova. More details of the nominations’ process can be found in the regulation of the competition that can be accessed on the UN Moldova web page: http://md.one.un.org/content/unct/moldova/ro/home/presscenter/press-releases/un-human-rights-award-2019.html
The deadline for nomination is 27 October 2019.
Once the call for nominations has been closed, the folders of nominated persons or entities, as a result of a public nominalization process, shall be analyzed and evaluated by a team of experts and an independent committee formed of representatives of international organizations and independent experts.
The winners of the competition will be announced during the UN Human Rights Gala organised annually on the occasion of Human Rights Day celebrated in December month.