Press Release

UNHCR is grateful to the Government of Japan for their contribution for Ukrainian Refugees in the Republic of Moldova

05 January 2023

  • The people of Japan’s generous contribution strengthens the operational capacity of UNHCR and its partners to reinforce support to the Government of the Republic of Moldova to implement the Temporary Protection regime, support refugee inclusion, and help host communities.

This support includes technical protection expertise and building registration capacity for temporary protection, strengthening asylum and refugee status determination procedures, support for opening community service centres around the country that serve refugees and Moldovans alike, employment counselling, and other important services. In addition, this valuable support will help enable the national protection system and civil society actors to prevent, mitigate, and respond to gender-based violence (GBV) and sexual exploitation/abuse (SEA).

“Japan has been an essential partner to UNHCR across the globe and particularly in Moldova during the past months,” notes Francesca Bonelli, UNHCR’s Country Representative for the Republic of Moldova.  “This support comes at a key juncture of the refugee response and marks a concrete manifestation of international solidarity with refugees and host communities here.”

Another notable outcome of Japan’s contribution is enhanced identification and referral of persons with specific needs to appropriate services — including children, women, persons with disabilities, older persons, as well as survivors and those at risk of gender-based violence (GBV) and/or human trafficking. It will expand the capacity of service-providers and support educational and recreational activities for Ukrainian refugee children enrolled in schools.

“It’s a tragedy that so many Ukrainians had had to flee from their country for safety and experience all kinds of difficulties since the beginning of the war. At this difficult time, we are deeply impressed by the generosity of the Moldovans who provide shelter to the refugees despite the economic difficulties of their own. I hope that the latest contribution from Japan through UNHCR will help address the huge needs.” said H.E. Mr. Yamada Yoichiro, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to the Republic of Moldova

The Republic of Moldova has received more Ukrainian refugees per capita than any other country worldwide: for every three Moldovan citizens, one person from Ukraine has arrived since the war began. As of the 1st of January 2023, out of the total 739,467 arrivals, 102,103 Ukrainian refugees are currently hosted in Moldova, 84 percent of whom are women and children

UNHCR Moldova has been supporting government-led efforts to provide protection and support to refugees since establishing a presence in the country in 1997.  UNHCR significantly expanded its operations in the country in late February in response to the influx of refugees from Ukraine to co-lead the interagency humanitarian response aligned with the Regional Response Plan (RRP) for the Ukraine Situation.

In 2022, Japan ranked as UNHCR’s 4th largest government donor with its contribution of USD 164 million, making it one of UNHCR’s top donors.

UN entities involved in this initiative

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

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