Press Release

Message of the UN Resident Coordinator in Moldova Simon Springett on International Human Rights Day

09 December 2022

Dear friends,

Exactly 74 years ago the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly giving a strong hope for a world full of dignity, freedom and justice for all. It remains a global blueprint for international, national, and local laws and policies and the foundation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Caption: Simon Springett, Resident Coordinator of the United Nations in Moldova
Photo: © UN RCO Moldova

Addressing inequalities, eliminating discrimination, and advancing human rights remains front and centre of everything the United Nations does globally and here in the Republic of Moldova.  Moreover, today when the country is confronting the effects of the compounding cost of living, the energy crisis, and the human suffering as a result of the War in Ukraine that are disproportionally impacting most vulnerable and marginalized groups of persons.

We need an economy that invests in human rights and works for everyone. We need trust and to embrace a shared and comprehensive vision of human rights on the road to a just and sustainable development. 

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights delivers some of the answers that we can work with. It provides guideposts for our collective actions making sure we leave no one behind.

On this International Day of Human Rights and every day let’s stand for human rights and work together for a more sustainable, just, and prosperous world.

UN entities involved in this initiative

United Nations Resident Coordinator Office

Goals we are supporting through this initiative