Situation Analysis of children and adolescents in the Republic of Moldova

The Situation Analysis (SitAn) is an assessment of the current situation of children and adolescents in the Republic of Moldova, and identifies the root causes of challenges and deprivations of children and adolescents. The SitAn evaluates the progress, existing barriers, and opportunities to implement the rights of children and adolescents and ensure the wellbeing of all children and adolescents across the country.
The SitAn underlines the key challenges preventing children and adolescents from enjoying their rights, guaranteed under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and other international legal obligations Moldova committed to. The Situation Analysis fits into a country specific research agenda, the document could support the elaboration of the national development strategies and guides the policy dialogue.
The Situation Analysis will contribute to the development of the new Country Programme of Cooperation between UNICEF Moldova and the Government of the Republic of Moldova (2023-27). The document will also contribute to Moldova’s upcoming review of the UN CRC Committee in 2022. The Situation Analysis will offer an overview of the rights of the children and adolescents in light of the current crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic. The SitAn is also a key resource for civil society organizations, especially to child rights organizations to advocate for better, child-focused policies.