A concert with music from the Oscar movies was performed at Tighina Fortress
31 July 2022
- 70 young musicians performed the remade soundtracks of the Oscar movies. This is the fourth concert organized at the Tighina Fortress, with the support of the European Union’s Confidence Building Measures Programme, implemented by UNDP Moldova.

This year, the orchestra came up a new repertoire. The composition of the orchestra was different as well, with musicians from the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine, Romania, and other European countries.
"We are happy to be back with a new cultural program at the Tighina Fortress. Since our first concert here, I felt in love with this place. Here the public is so warm and respectful towards art. It's a privilege to witness how music becomes the best ambassador, bringing the two banks together," said Andriano Marian, the founder and conductor of the Moldovan National Youth Orchestra.
"We are hosting such a concert for the fourth time. We are glad that it becomes a tradition to conduct joint cultural projects at the fortress, which is a place full of history. Those who came earlier to the concert had the opportunity to see the ongoing restoration works at the fortress. We hope that at the next edition of the concert, the restoration works will be finalized," said Alexandr Iaskov, director of the Tighina Fortress.
The concert is part of the series of six events organized in the context of the European Year of Youth, with the financial support of the European Union, in partnership with the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Education and Research and UNDP.
Cultural projects and the restoration of Tighina Fortress, financed by the European Union, contribute to increasing the touristic potential of the region. The EU Confidence Building Measures Programme, implemented by UNDP, aims at increasing trust between people from both banks of the Nistru river, by involving them in joint projects.