Press Release

Six town halls in Hâncești district joined efforts for cleaner villages

03 May 2018

Six localities in Hâncești district will be cleaner thanks to a modern sanitation and waste management service. It will serve over 22,000 inhabitants of the villages Cărpineni, Mingir, Negrea, Sofia, Bălceana and Voinescu.

The creation of this service was possible thanks to the reorganization of ME „Cărpineni Servicii” into an inter-community service of waste storage and disposal. A modern engine has been procured, as well as waste bins for households and economic operators. Soon, an environment-friendly polygon, with an area and capacity that will allow depositing waste for a period of 15 years, will  be built.

„On the territory of the six localities there are about 40 unauthorized landfills that affect the environment. By implementing this project, we intend to optimize the service, to broaden the scope of intervention to have cleaner localities.  Until now, the company wasn’t able to provide such services according to the standards in the field, especially for several localities. We now have the waste disposal and pressing equipment, which will optimize and streamline this service”, said Ion Cărpineanu, the mayor of Cărpineni commune.

The total budget of the project is 260,000 Euro.  Of this amount, 162,587 Euro were provided by the European Union, and 43,000 Euro is the value of the grant provided by the Government of Switzerland through UNDP Moldova. The contribution from local budgets is about 28,000 Euro, the one from the district council - 17,500 Euro, AO Speranța - 6,000 Euro, and 3,000 Euro is the amount collected from the natives of the six villages.

„Today, among other Sustainable Development Goals, environment protection is a priority, including for the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. It is very positive that both the local authorities in the six localities, as well as the natives, have joined efforts to ensure a prosperous and environmentally safe future”, mentioned Radu Danii, program coordinator at the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation in Moldova.

This is one of the few projects in the country, in the framework of which several localities identify through public consultations a common problem and try to solve it with the help of the natives.

„The natives from Cărpineni have also mobilized before to solve other pressing local problems. For the other five partner localities of the project this is their first experience of this kind. The Natives Association of Cărpineni shared its experience of managing an association of natives and their involvement in local development.  We are glad to see the first outcomes of our joint efforts”, said Vera Păpușă, the president of the Association of natives „Carpen-Terra”.

The improved sanitation service was launched at the „Caravana curățeniei” (“Caravan of Cleanliness”) event – by signing the inter-community cooperation agreement, the presentation of the new equipment purchased and the signature of the first waste disposal contract in one of the partner localities of the project.

UN entities involved in this initiative

United Nations Development Programme

Goals we are supporting through this initiative