Press Release

Over 150 young people representing 17 political parties participating in the National Youth Forum in Electoral Domain

20 July 2019

  • On July 19, 2019, the second edition of the National Youth Forum in Electoral Field, organized by the Central Electoral Commission (CEC), Center for Continuous Electoral  Training (CCET) and United Nations Development Program in Moldova (UNDP), was launched in Chisinau. The Forum brings together over 150 participants aged between 18-35 years, representatives of 17 youth organizations of political parties in Moldova that accepted the invitation to participate.

The aim of the National Youth Forum in Electoral Field is to familiarize participants with the electoral processes and local general elections to be organized in autumn this year. Also during the event the civic participation in elections and importance of the mandate of local elected representative shall be discussed.

"Young people are one of the target groups of the Central Electoral Commission to carry out the work of election information and education. It is important for them to be actively involved in the electoral process not only as voters but also as candidates, civil electoral officials, observers, volunteers etc." said Corneliu Pasat, Deputy Chief of Communication, Public Relations and Media Department (CEC).

Angela Caraman, Deputy Director of the Center for Continuous Electoral  Training mentioned: "National Youth Forum in electoral domain is still an activity based on training and simulation of electoral processes, which creates CCET foundation. There is a saying that people learn especially from own experience. Therefore we shall give to young people opportunities to have these experiences, to increase capacity of involvement in civic or political activity. “

"We are here to reflect the way each of us can contribute to Moldova's future participation in the electoral process, which will become a more credible, transparent and inclusive one" said Alla Skvortova, program specialist, Good Governance Fund, UNDP.

During three days the young people will work in five different workshops in order to simulate an election day close to reality. The distribution in groups will be random, so participants representing different youth organizations could work in different group. In the first day, young persons shall get acquainted with the groups and will be informed on the tasks to perform. The groups of electoral competitors shall form political parties, elect the party leadership and shall prepare the necessary documents for registration in the electoral competition for local elections. The second day is dedicated to prepare the election campaign, the electoral slogans and platforms, as well as simulated debates. In the last day the first round of elections will be simulated and depending on the results - the second round.

National Youth Forum in Electoral Field is an event organized by Central Electoral Commission and UNDP Project "Enhancing democracy through inclusive and transparent elections”, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), by the British Embassy in Chisinau through the Good Governance Fund and by the Netherlands Embassy through Matra Program.

UN entities involved in this initiative

United Nations Development Programme

Goals we are supporting through this initiative