Press Release

Civil society will monitor action plans of the National Integrity and Anticorruption Strategy, with UNDP support

12 August 2019

  • Civil society representatives will monitor how the authorities from nine local districts and the Gagauz Autonomy implement the action plans adopted under the National Integrity and Anticorruption Strategy. The NGOs will also analyze the implementation of the sectorial anticorruption plans in the fields of education, public health, public procurement, administration and privatization of public property, public order. The monitoring results will be included in the shadow reports which will be presented to the relevant authorities, development partners and to the general public.

The NGOs were selected within an open competition organized by the “Curbing Corruption by Building Sustainable Integrity in the Republic of Moldova” Project, implemented by the UNDP, in partnership with the National Anticorruption Center, with the financial support of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  

The Project received a total of 21 project proposals from 17 NGOs, out of which 9 were selected for funding. The selection criteria included the quality and relevance of project proposals, as well as the implementing methodology to be applied.

Olga Crivoliubic, Project Manager at UNDP Moldova, mentioned that civil society plays an important role in corruption prevention, this role being settled in the UN Convention against Corruption. “NGOs can contribute effectively to monitoring the implementation of the anticorruption action plans. Civil society can engage in making the activity of public authorities more transparent and accountable, particularly in the sectors vulnerable to corruption. At the same time, NGOs can raise public awareness on the risks of corruption and encourage citizens to report corruption”.  

The selected NGOs received grants of 10,000 USD (for the projects monitoring local anticorruption action plans) and/or 15,000 USD (for projects monitoring sectorial anticorruption action plans).

“Curbing Corruption by Building Sustainable Integrity in the Republic of Moldova” Project is implemented by the UNDP in partnership with the National Anticorruption Centre and Ombudsperson Office, with the financial support of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The project, implemented during 2019-2021, contributes to developing capacities of the stakeholders from the public and private sectors, as well as from other civil society organizations, for efficient implementation of corruption prevention tools and standards.

UN entities involved in this initiative

United Nations Development Programme

Goals we are supporting through this initiative