Press Release

Towards Moldova 2030: The new National Development Strategy must be people-centered

20 August 2017

The mid-term review of the Moldova 2020 National Development Strategy (NDS Moldova 2020), presented today, shows modest progress, with only half of the corresponding targets being reached. Based on the constraints and lessons learned from its implementation, it is necessary to formulate a vision for 2030, integrating the Sustainable Development Agenda and the Moldova-EU Association Agreement. The new strategic document must be people-centered, based on human rights and gender equality, strengthening human potential, with an emphasis on raising the level of education of the population and improving health indicators.

The Moldova 2020 NDS Review Report, covering the period 2012-2015, was carried out by the “Expert-Grup” Analytical Center with the support of the United Nations Country Team, including UNDP, UNICEF, ILO, UN Women, UNFPA, and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation in Moldova.

The Deputy Secretary General of the Government , Valentin Guznac thanked the United Nations for the NDS "Moldova 2020" evaluation support and underlined that the obtained results have a major importance in determining the priorities of the Government's activity for the upcoming period: "The Global Development Agenda can become a successful one in the Republic of Moldova only if at this early moment, the country will correctly prioritize its objectives that need to be achieved through correlation with the priority reform agenda and society’s expectations", noted Valentin Guznac.

The analysis finds that the underachieving sector is justice, with an implementation rate of only 20%. In the field of pension systems, on the other hand, most indicators have been achieved.

Progress assessed based on GDP is also modest. To achieve the average economic growth target of 5.9% for 2010-2020, the economy needs to grow at an average annual rate of 9% between 2017-2020 - a target that will most likely not be reached.

On the poverty line, it shows a better dynamic, decreasing from 21.9% to 9.6% between 2010-2015, with the final target for 2020 already achieved. However, this progress should be viewed caution, because the indicator measures only monetary poverty and does not fully reflect the inequalities that persist according to the residential environment, gender, age, disability or education. Thus, in rural areas, absolute poverty is now almost five times higher than in urban ones, while in 2012 the gap was three times higher. The elderly, retired and solitary women, people with disabilities who are still exposed to poverty.

"The evaluation highlights important areas where further efforts are required to accelerate the implementation of the outstanding reforms and expedite Moldova’s transformation into a modern and prosperous state. These priorities will be reflected in the new strategy Moldova 2030 along with the means of implementation", noted Dafina Gercheva, UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in the Republic of Moldova.

“We need to ensure that Moldova’s economic growth is driven by investments and production, which generate employment and decent jobs, especially for the bottom 40% of the population. It is also important to overcome structural constraints related to demographic transition, improve transport infrastructure, transform labor migration from a challenge into an opportunity, and invest in climate change mitigation and adaptation, in order to strengthen country’s resilience. Further consolidation of democracy and rule of law, enhancement of institutional capacity for evidence based policy development and implementation and provision of accessible, affordable and high quality public services are key prerequisites for achieving the SDGs and peoples’ aspirations”, mentioned Dafina Gercheva.

Hence, the Interim Evaluation Report of the NDS "Moldova 2020" recommends the development of a new National Development Strategy aiming at the horizon of 2030 ("Moldova 2030"). This opinion is shared by most of the parties involved in the consultation process on this particular document.

The process of formulating the Moldova 2030 Strategy has already started, under the leadership of the State Chancellery, with the support of the UN and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation in Moldova.

The drafting, approval and implementation of the Moldova 2030 Strategy will actively involve the Parliament and civil society.

The new National Development Strategy (NDS) is to be based on a clear monitoring and evaluation framework, made up of clearly defined and measurable indicators and targets. At the same time, an interim progress reporting mechanism will be established.

After the adoption of the NDS, each ministry is to reassess the sectoral strategic planning framework by reducing the number of sectoral strategies and increasing their quality and relevance. Thus, the NDS will serve as a basic anchor for defining sectoral strategies that will be designed to implement the specified sectoral vision and objectives.

The Government and the line ministries will also define sectoral spending strategies and budget programs in line with the vision, objectives and indicators set out in sectoral strategies and the NDS.

UN entities involved in this initiative

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
International Organization for Migration
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
UN Women
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women
Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
United Nations Development Programme
United Nations Population Fund
United Nations Children’s Fund
World Health Organization

Goals we are supporting through this initiative