Press Release

The Government approves draft law on Skills Committees

20 August 2017

  • The Draft Law on Skills Committees was approved on 10 July, 2017 during the Government meeting of the Republic of Moldova. The ILO Project “Promotion of youth employment” has offered its assistance in the design and promotion of the Draft Law on Skills Committees.

The law aims to enhance and streamline collaboration between employees and employers for the development of technical vocational education and lifelong learning of specialists, according to labour market demands. The law is in line with the objectives set by the policies adopted in the field, specifically by the Strategy for the Development of Vocational and Technical Education for the years 2013-2020 and by the National Strategy for Attracting Investments and Promoting Exports for the years 2016-2020. 

The Employers’ or Trade Unions Organizations will create Skills Committees to develop social partnerships. In addition to matching initial and continuous vocational training of workers and specialists to labour market demands, they will contribute to the development of an informational and analytical support system for technical vocational education, starting with a needs assessment of the labour market. 

Committees will also contribute to i) designing the occupational standards for the technical vocational education; ii) updating the Occupational Classification of the Republic of Moldova; iii) elaborating the National Qualification Framework; iv) assessing the skills and knowledge gained through formal, non-formal and informal education, and v) modifying the study curricula by adding new modules/ disciplines of the technical vocational education.

Well-functioning Skills Committees are a pre-condition of granting budgetary support by the European Union for the vocational educational reform. Non-implementation of this measure on setting up of functional Skills Committees might negatively influence budgetary support for the reform program with the allocation from the EU of 6,4 million Euro to the state budget foreseen for 2014-2017.


UN entities involved in this initiative

International Labour Organization

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