Press Release

Joint UN project bring tangible benefits for the people of Moldova

19 June 2017

  • On June 22, the United Nations in Moldova together with the State Chancellery hosted the Steering Committee Meeting of the Multi-Donor Trust Fund “Moldova – Towards Unity in Action”.  The meeting took note of the progress achieved by the programmes implemented under the Fund throughout 2016 and highlighted the results in areas such as human rights, gender based violence, women’s participation in decision making processes and primary health care. A number of programmes are implemented on both sides of the Nistru river.

In her opening remarks, Lilia Palii, Secretary General of the Government of Moldova, expressed gratitude to the United Nations family in Moldova for the support provided and stressed the importance of close collaboration with the United Nations and development partners. Lilia Palii highlighted the on-going Public Administration Reform, the development of the 2030 National Development Strategy and the nationalization of the Sustainable Development Goals.   

“The UN in Moldova and the State Chancellery have established a strong partnership and it is important to continue to engage in a regular dialogue and exchange views on current trends given the rapidly changing development landscape in Moldova. The UN stands ready to support the Government as it addresses these challenges and the joint programmes under the Fund are good examples in this regard”, stated Dafina Gercheva, UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative.

Currently four joint projects are implemented under the Multi-Donor Trust Fund “Moldova – Towards Unity in Action”. They are implemented by UN agencies and financed by the Government of Sweden, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and the Government of Norway. These are:

UN entities involved in this initiative

United Nations Development Programme

Goals we are supporting through this initiative