Press Release

National Institute of Justice will use a computer-based platform to examine the applicants to the positions of trainee judge and trainee prosecutor

02 September 2016

  • During the 2016 admission the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) will use for the first time a computer-based testing platform to examine the candidates who are applying for the position of trainee judge and trainee prosecutor. The functionality has been developed with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark offered through the Project "Strengthening technical capacities of the national institutions for the human rights protection and promotion", implemented by UNDP Moldova.

The electronic module simplifies the process of examination, marking automatically the candidates and providing the scores straight away once the candidate enters in the system the last answer in a multiple-choice test. The new method ensures transparency, eliminates the human influence and potential fraud during the examination, it increases trust in a fair selection method of trainees for the positions of judge and prosecutor.

The computer-based testing module contains 1,600 multiple-choice tests developed by the Working Group consisting of NIJ trainers. The tests were published in advance with the correct answers, on the NIJ website. At the beginning of the examination, the program randomly generates a multiple-choice test unique to each candidate, selecting 400 questions – 100 per each of the following disciplines: civil law, civil procedure law, criminal law and criminal procedure law -, for which candidates must choose only one correct answer out of the three displayed.

The examination lasts for three hours (180 mins). When the time runs out, the software no longer allows the candidate to submit any choice of answer and the user receives a detailed report on the outcome of her/his testing, indicating the correct and incorrect answers, and the overall final score.

The Admission Committee accepted applications submitted by 231 people, out of which 167 applicants enrolled to the initial training programme for the position of prosecutor, and 64 - for the position of judge.

In 2016, NIJ Council put up for competition 20 places for candidates for the position of judge and 25 places for candidates for the post of prosecutor. Starting with 5 September, the candidates will take two examinations: written and oral.

Training at the National Institute of Justice lasts for a period of 18 months. The first class of NIJ trainees graduated in 2009. So far, there were eight classes of graduating trainees from the National Institute of Justice, out of which 97 persons - for the position of judge and 172 - for the position of prosecutor.

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) supports the work of the National Institute of Justice to develop a strategic vision, update programs and methods of training, automate the admission process, increasing potential to develop and offer eLearning content.

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United Nations Development Programme

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