With ILO assistance, 25 inhabitants of Causeni District will develop business in beekeeping
21 May 2021
25 people from Causeni district will develop business in apiculture due to the grants offered by the International Labour Organization (ILO) within the framework of the Causeni Local Employment Partnership (LEP). The beneficiaries of grants were selected from 53 participants during the training courses in entrepreneurship and beekeeping. The National Association of Beekeepers provided the trainings in collaboration with the Local Beekeepers Association, as a result of a competition of business plans.
The winners of the contest will get 10 hives and bee families. They will also receive assistance in registering their businesses at the Public Services Agency, and obtaining the veterinary certificates and passports for apiaries issued by the National Food Safety Agency. All 53 participants in the training course organized by Causeni LEP will receive certificates accredited by the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment. These certificates will entitle them to access grants for business development in beekeeping later on.
According to Ion Maxim, the president of the National Association of Beekeepers, apiculture has the potential to become a profitable, income-generating business. That is why it is of interest for different people. For instance, the participants in the training course offered by Causeni LEP are people who previously worked informally, were involved in circular migration, or had low qualifications, lost their jobs abroad and were forced to return home.
Reaboi Olga is one of the beneficiaries of grants and claims that thanks to this assistance she will be able to practice the beekeeping, which she loves, and be able to earn money while she stays at home with the family. "Otherwise, when you are a mother with many children, you have a lot of expenses, but very few opportunities to earn a living. Beekeeping will give me the opportunity to earn a living, take care of my children and produce honey for our own consumption", says Olga.
The development of business in apiculture is one of the most dynamic initiatives of the Local Employment Partnership (LEP) in Causeni. Launched at the end of February 2021, Causeni LEP has the purpose to create and formalize 145 jobs, launch 60 start-ups in sectors with job creation potential, as well as to expand 50 small and micro enterprises. The budget for the project is approximately 146,529 US dollars. The ILO provides support in the amount of US $ 129,879, of which over US $ 80,000 is provided by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA).