Press Release

UN staff vaccinated against COVID-19 to be able to continue serving communities

29 April 2021

On April 27, UN Moldova has received a lot of 1,000 doses of Covishield AstraZeneca anti-COVID-19 vaccines produced by Serum Institute of India through the UN System-wide COVID-19 Vaccination Programme to immunize its own personnel.

Caption: Photo from UN archives
Photo: © UNICEF

As the arrival of safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines is bringing hope to people around the world in the fight against the pandemic, the UN is firmly committed to the principle of equitable distribution of COVID-19 vaccines globally. As the Secretary-General said, “no one is safe until everyone is safe”.

In this context, the ability of UN personnel to stay and deliver on the Organization’s mandates, to support the communities they serve, and to contribute to the UN’s on-going work to recover better together from the pandemic depends very much on its own vaccination against COVID-19.

The immunization action of the UN staff is following the National anti-COVID19 Immunization Plan, where UN along with other diplomatic missions and international organizations is included in phase two. The received batch of vaccines to be used was acquired outside the COVAX facility arrangements managed by the UN that is supporting Moldova with access to vaccines.

It is also worth underlining that keeping UN personnel healthy and safe will reduce the strain on local health infrastructure and will allow UN personnel to focus on implementing their mandates to serve and protect others and to continue supporting the country and its citizens to fight the pandemic and build back a sustainable future for all of us.

We all must do our part to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and this includes receiving vaccinations to protect ourselves, our families, and the communities we serve.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the United Nations in Moldova is supporting the government and people to cope with the impact of the pandemic by providing assistance in four main areas: health system preparedness, technical support and capacity building, supplies and equipment, and information and communication on COVID-19.


Cristina David

Communications and Advocacy Officer

UN entities involved in this initiative

United Nations Resident Coordinator Office

Goals we are supporting through this initiative